Monday, March 30, 2009


It was a long trip to Maloja in Switzerland. It was not a hard trip with many changes to different trains, in fact we sat in the same train from Brussels to Chur from 7:33 till 18:00 hours. It's hard! We slept a little, we talked a little, we slept a little, we ate a little, we slept a little and we played lots of sudoku. Around us the other passengers came and went...... and we played more sudoku.
Today we woke up to a very grey morning in Swiss, maybe even more snow will fall. On this height every thing is covered in snow and for me who is not used to it, it’s pure magic!
Winter’s own wonderland.
The hotel is huge, but we occupy only a very small part of it. The unrenovated part!
It was taken over by a italian concern and everything they’ve renovated is off-limits to us. The hotel is returning to it’s old splendure, I only hope the “high” will visit it often enough so it can stay alive, keeping it’s history and it’s feeling of grandeur.
There are still work being done on parts of the hotel, so we will have to remove that fine coat of dust that covered the already cleaned rooms and halls.
I don’t have a room with a view this time, but if I sit near the window, I have internet. Now I must see that the battery of my laptop is loaded while I’m away from the room or I have to find an electrical cord long enough to allow me to sit next to the window. My room is large and my only electrical plug is next to the door, on the other side of the window.
Maria and I went to the village in the afternoon. I post a picture of Maria walking between walls of snShe showed me around town as she has been here many times in the past. The town is built on even grounds and it is not difficult walking here. There are many cross country trails starting in town and crossing through the fields.
We went to a look-out point to look down in the Maloja pass.

This photo is of part of the pass we could see and you can see how it "snakes" through the mountains.

The afternoon was warm and pleasant in the sun. It didn't take long to find a terrace in the sun, where we could sit and drink apple wine which tastes like a cider, enjoying the sun and our time off. This week we work from 8 till 12 and from 4 to 6pm.
On our way back we saw the hotel from behind. It's such a colossal structure in such a fairly small town. But, it has it's charms.

Something tells me I'm going to like it here. The people are pleasant, the hotel has it's own special touch of class.

Through a dirty window I took a pic of the town and the night falling.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A start

Everyday is some kind of a journey. For some time I feel the need to write down all those wonderful and the less wonderful things that happen on my journey.
It's spring and the time when I often feel the need to start with some or other project, so this blog might just be the start of this year's project.
You almost feel lucky when you can still see a field of cornflowers. I took this picture of the cornflowers in my header on a birding trip to La Brenne in France in 2008.