Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Marching - 2011 December

11 December 2011
Al mijn 4e tocht en toch al 70km bij elkaar gestapt! Ik was heel vroeg vertrokken, met de bus van 8:19, het is nog te donker voor een bus vroeger. Er zaten al genoeg wandelaars op de bus. Om iets voor 9u op pad en het was een leuke wandeling, maar ik was te warm gekleed. S'morgens vroeg was het toch wel koud, maar later op de dag is het erg warm als je wat ingestapt zijn. De meeste mensen stappen gewoon met een fleece, misschien moet ik dat ook probeer, want ik zweet toch wel veel. Ik weet eigenlijk niet hoe dat zweten en drinken allemaal samengaan, moet ik ook veel drinken, kan ik kontrole posten overslaan? Ik ben nog niet ervaren genoeg om te weet wat de inspanning op mijn bloedsuiker doen.
Ik voelde dat het alweer twee weken is sinds mijn laatste wandeling. De wandeling ging goed, ik heb het in 4u gedaan en heb heel de namiddag ontzettend pijnlijke voeten gehad, maar maandag voelde ik niets meer. Pas vanaf dinsdag voelde ik dat ik stramme benen had.
Wandeling vertrok van Montfortcollege in Rotselaar en ik stapte dichtbij David zijn oude appartement voorbij.
Nu pas leer ik de mooie plekjes in de omgeving.
Nogal grappig, maar wij waren met 3 koppels en ik wat ongeveer hetzelfde tempo heel de route deed, allemaal op hetzelfde bus naar daar, zelfde hoeveelheid km en dan op hetzelfde bus terug tot aan het station.

Marching 2011 - November

13 November 2011
Mijn eerste wandeling en dat in Kessel-lo, eerst Kesselberg omhoog en ergens waren we ook in Chartreusebos verzeild geraakt. Het viel enorm goed mee, echt genoten. Het was zacht weer, maar heel erg mistig, niet veel van de landschap was zichtbaar.
Stapte nogal rap omdat ik de meeste mensen voorbij stak! Enkele paseerde mij, misschien de mensen die 20 km doen. Omdat het de eerste keer was dacht ik niet meer als 14km te doen - het kat uit de boom kijken en zie hoe het gaat. Op 5 km was de eerste kontrole post. Ik heb alleen maar een stempel gekregen en is dan verder gegaan. Nergens op kontrole posten gestop en was na 2 1/2u op het einde.
Wegmarkering was héél goed, genoeg en gemakkelijk om te zien. Voor herhaling vatbaar.
Dag nadien was ik enorm stijf

20 November 2011
Nog een wandeling in de onmiddelijke omgeving, deze keer is de start aan de Kaserne in Heverlee.
De wandelgroep van de Paras, hehe! Klinkt gevaarlijk.
27ste Red en Black Dragon Mars! Ahwel, dacht ik, ik doe maar 15km, ik heb niet door de week geoefend. Het was allemaal lussen en een kontrole post om de 5km. De wandeling ging door Heverleebos en rond Vaalbeek. Was dichtbij Q & co voorbij gegaan en heb rap binnen gespringt. Daarna weer vertrokken en er was iemand voor me, die dikwijls stopte en omkeek. Hij was niet zeker van de route en er waren dan ook niet veel mensen op die moment. De wegmarkering was wel overal, maar niet zo goed van ver te zien. Wij hebben dan voor de rest van de weg samen gestapt en heb ik ook 20km gedaan.
Er zijn leuke wegskes achterin. 20km was rapper om als ik dacht.
Helemaal niet stijf.

24 November 2011
Heb me aangsloten bij een wandelklup, In Den Engel. Van de café op de Grote Markt.

26 November 2011
Mijn 3e wandeling al. Ik heb afgesproken met Karin Verhegge om 10u aan het station van Diest, want de start was op 2km vandaar. Het was leuk om haar weer te zien en samen te wandel.
De wandeling was opgesplits in 3 lussen van 10km elk. Natuurlijk kon je ook nog een korter route stap in elke lus. Wij waren begonnen met het lus die door Diest ging. Mooi historische centrum en dan over de militaire verdedigingsgordel.
Na 10km hebben we dan pause gemaakt en iets gegeten. Terwijl wij daar zaten kwam iemand erbij, het bleek iemand van Intersoc te zijn, Fons van in Valmenier. Met hem heb ik ooit van Valmenier naar Valior gestapt en terug.
Geeneen van ons twee had nog veel goesting om te stappen en na 16km wandelden wij voorbij het station. Wij vonden dat wij genoeg gehad hebben en vertrokken naar huis.
Goed genoeg bewegwijzerd.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Abdij van Park 9 Dec 2011 - Pijlstaart

Yesterday and last night the wind was blowing very hard, it howled through my house and I just knew there will be something special at the abbey today. Often it's my intention to go there after a night like that, but usually I can't sleep and the day after all my good intentions are forgotton. Such a wind is downright scary.
Not today, first thing I saw when I got there was the Northern Pintail Anas acuta. Maybe not that special, but it is not that often seen there, so for me it was a great sighting.
If you go there often you see more or less the same birds depending on the season.
Pijlstaart/Northern pintail Anas acuta
The head seen from the back
Kokmeeuwen/ Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundis
All around the Abbey in the fields and on all 4 the ponds there were hundreds of Black-headed Gulls
Tafeleend/Common Pochard Aythya ferina
The Pochard was washing himself and I coulf clearly see the colouring on top of his beak.
The footpath next to the 4 ponds.
The Abbey, another one of the hundreds of photos I have of it.
Slobeenden/Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata
Wintertaling/Common Teal Anas crecca
Such pretty ducks!
Just one of the ponds.
The bell tower seen from a footpath

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gone cycling to Meerdaalwoud with Laura

From now on I will rather call it "Gone walking and cycling". With the weather holding I have spent a lot of time on the bike or walking and neglected posting here formidably.
My granddaughter Laura phoned me on a sunday just after noon to ask me to go cycling with her. Her parents are not cyclists at all and this child loves it. It was not convenient for me to go just then, call it lazy, but the time slot in the day was badly chosen.
By Monday I felt really guilty and decided to go cycling with her on wednesday. School is out by 12 and then we have time enough.
Alex and Eliza were not allowed to go with, because they had to go to the logopedics and we might not be back by then.
Going from my home to them is not that far, it looks far and feels far with a false flat route cycling there, but then I have a false downhill when I come back. Apparently it's only 5km one way, but I can swear it's more though. I see it as a good excersize for my legs, next week I'm back in the mountains and need it after a cold winter which I spent mostly indoors.
Laura is a great cyclist and being only the two of us, we did quite a route in Meerdaalwoud. My son and his family live between two big forests, Heverleebos and Meerdaalwoud, what a choise!
The woods were quite dry, I was looking for anemones but didn't find any.

After winter, spring seems to like starting with a splash of colour, specially a warm colour like yellow.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gone walking (Abdij van Park)

A bleak day like you only get these dark, overcast days in Belgium. It didn't rain.
The intention today was to walk to the Abbey and from there to my son Michael's house which he renovates, a good intention.
Today I chose to go through the cemetary as I wanted to look at a grave. With the trees trimmed it looked quite dreary. Today there were not any special birds to be seen either.

What a sad grave.

Then my way goes over a cycle and pedestrian bridge over the railway lines.

Brugstraat or Bridge street, I wonder why?

Entrance to the gardens between two houses, but I wonder who the room above it belongs to. The curtain is closed on exactly the split between the houses.

The way I'm going to the Abbey today I have to cross another pedestrian bridge, all just to walk a bit further.

The Abbey from the bridge. Even though it's such a dark day, it's not cold and just look how green the grass already is. Again I'm wearing too much clothes. Everytime I start I feel a bit cold, but soon after leaving I realise the folley of too much clothing. Before leaving I weighed my backpack and it was not too heavy, about 3 kg with my binoculars and camera. No water or any drinks, I'm not going that far.

Everywhere the signs of spring can be seen, the first wild flowers. Mostly they are the small ones close to the ground. This year I especially enjoy to see spring coming. Never before it was such a great comfort to have a sunny day or see the new flowers or the young green leaves. The first leaves on the trees have such a tender green, making the world look so fresh.
Some type of witch hazel.

Then my battery of my camera died, not very clever of me to leave without loaded batteries.
Birding was good and I saw all the ducks and geese which is normally there, heard some of the birds like chaffinch singing already on the top of their lungs.
When I reached the part where they bred fish years ago and which is overgrown now, I saw a few birds fall into the shrubs. I could not make out which they were. I was sure it's not the birds I normally see around the Abbey. At first my mind went out to Common redpoll Carduelis flammea, but at home according to my book it was the Linnet Carduelis cannabina.
My walk was cut short by this bird, I was too curious to see what it was and returned home. Just before I left the Abbey I heard it singing and then saw the Black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros. That was a first for this season!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gone Walking (Leuven to Wilsele-Putkapel

I sit too much.
Since my son finished the Dodentocht (Deathmarch) without practising for it, there has been this idea in my head to at least try it and next year when I turn 60 I think it is a perfect age to do it. With two young children and work and just all day life keeping him too busy he never got round to practice and he did it! He had only one minor blister on his foot.
The Dodentocht is 100 km and you have to finish in min. 10 hours and max. 24 hours.
So, I started my first practice walk. It was something between 5 and 8 km. I consulted various internet maps and they all give a different distance! This started out well!
If it was 5km, I did have to retrace my route at some point so in the end it can be 8 km. For a starting walk, I’ll say I did 8km.
Even though it was quite cold, maybe 2°C or less, walking in the sun was very warm and I had to sweat a lot, which is not the right way to go about it. Too much clothes, too much baggage I dragged along for in my backpack I had my camera, cookies, purse, mittens etc.
Then my shoes! I really need shoes specially for walking. This distance was exactly far enough for me to see what I need.
When I finally reached my daughter’s house the first thing I did was taking my shoes off. My feet felt quite battered and that at such a minimal distance.
I left home at 14:39 and reached my daughter at 16:10 and only stopped for about 30 min to make photos. Maybe if I really want to walk I must not take my camera with and concentrate on walking.

This is so a sign of spring coming.

Just imagine how pleasant it must be living here, far from the city noise.

No notes anymore, just take a pic of a name and it is even in sequence with the other photos you make.

Remy, when I see this tower I know it's not far to my daughter, the last curve.

I can't walk by the reeds and not take a pic.

In the distance I saw someone standing :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Elephant family

Then this family of elephants stopped by for a short drink.