Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gone Walking (Leuven to Wilsele-Putkapel

I sit too much.
Since my son finished the Dodentocht (Deathmarch) without practising for it, there has been this idea in my head to at least try it and next year when I turn 60 I think it is a perfect age to do it. With two young children and work and just all day life keeping him too busy he never got round to practice and he did it! He had only one minor blister on his foot.
The Dodentocht is 100 km and you have to finish in min. 10 hours and max. 24 hours.
So, I started my first practice walk. It was something between 5 and 8 km. I consulted various internet maps and they all give a different distance! This started out well!
If it was 5km, I did have to retrace my route at some point so in the end it can be 8 km. For a starting walk, I’ll say I did 8km.
Even though it was quite cold, maybe 2°C or less, walking in the sun was very warm and I had to sweat a lot, which is not the right way to go about it. Too much clothes, too much baggage I dragged along for in my backpack I had my camera, cookies, purse, mittens etc.
Then my shoes! I really need shoes specially for walking. This distance was exactly far enough for me to see what I need.
When I finally reached my daughter’s house the first thing I did was taking my shoes off. My feet felt quite battered and that at such a minimal distance.
I left home at 14:39 and reached my daughter at 16:10 and only stopped for about 30 min to make photos. Maybe if I really want to walk I must not take my camera with and concentrate on walking.

This is so a sign of spring coming.

Just imagine how pleasant it must be living here, far from the city noise.

No notes anymore, just take a pic of a name and it is even in sequence with the other photos you make.

Remy, when I see this tower I know it's not far to my daughter, the last curve.

I can't walk by the reeds and not take a pic.

In the distance I saw someone standing :)

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