Monday, March 28, 2011

Gone cycling to Meerdaalwoud with Laura

From now on I will rather call it "Gone walking and cycling". With the weather holding I have spent a lot of time on the bike or walking and neglected posting here formidably.
My granddaughter Laura phoned me on a sunday just after noon to ask me to go cycling with her. Her parents are not cyclists at all and this child loves it. It was not convenient for me to go just then, call it lazy, but the time slot in the day was badly chosen.
By Monday I felt really guilty and decided to go cycling with her on wednesday. School is out by 12 and then we have time enough.
Alex and Eliza were not allowed to go with, because they had to go to the logopedics and we might not be back by then.
Going from my home to them is not that far, it looks far and feels far with a false flat route cycling there, but then I have a false downhill when I come back. Apparently it's only 5km one way, but I can swear it's more though. I see it as a good excersize for my legs, next week I'm back in the mountains and need it after a cold winter which I spent mostly indoors.
Laura is a great cyclist and being only the two of us, we did quite a route in Meerdaalwoud. My son and his family live between two big forests, Heverleebos and Meerdaalwoud, what a choise!
The woods were quite dry, I was looking for anemones but didn't find any.

After winter, spring seems to like starting with a splash of colour, specially a warm colour like yellow.

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