Friday, December 9, 2011

Abdij van Park 9 Dec 2011 - Pijlstaart

Yesterday and last night the wind was blowing very hard, it howled through my house and I just knew there will be something special at the abbey today. Often it's my intention to go there after a night like that, but usually I can't sleep and the day after all my good intentions are forgotton. Such a wind is downright scary.
Not today, first thing I saw when I got there was the Northern Pintail Anas acuta. Maybe not that special, but it is not that often seen there, so for me it was a great sighting.
If you go there often you see more or less the same birds depending on the season.
Pijlstaart/Northern pintail Anas acuta
The head seen from the back
Kokmeeuwen/ Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundis
All around the Abbey in the fields and on all 4 the ponds there were hundreds of Black-headed Gulls
Tafeleend/Common Pochard Aythya ferina
The Pochard was washing himself and I coulf clearly see the colouring on top of his beak.
The footpath next to the 4 ponds.
The Abbey, another one of the hundreds of photos I have of it.
Slobeenden/Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata
Wintertaling/Common Teal Anas crecca
Such pretty ducks!
Just one of the ponds.
The bell tower seen from a footpath

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