Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trail to Mottec or Pralong

26 January 2010

At the hotel there is a screen that shows all kinds of news items that has to do with the area and hotel, like the program of the day or that day's menu. There is also a ticker stream at the bottom with international news items.
The day after our "walk" to either Pralong or Mottec, there was a news item telling us that trail was closed down.
We knew it, we experienced it! We were really stupid not turning around.


When we sat down on the bench sunken into the snow to eat our sandwiches, two "older" men walked by us, dragging those wooden children sleds behind them. I did wonder, but having grandchildren of my own, I just accepted the idea that it will have something to do with children.
Up at the Cabanne Illhorn we saw this post and not long after we actually saw grown men going down the slopes on a wooden children's sled!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cabanne Illhorn

26 January 2010
Another day off!
The day before we leave was my last day off and I needed to have a good walk in the mountains.
I decided to walk up from Chandolin to the Cabanne Illhorn as I've heard from others that's an easy walk.
Marleen, the girl I work with and Staf the nightwatchman were free too, so they joined me. None of them have been to Chandolin before.
We were driving into the mist and Chandolin seemed to be wrapped up in the it. Not really the wide, open, sunny mountain view I anticipated. At the lookout point we decided to go up to the Cabanne Illhorn in spite of the mist, you could not see the valley, but you could see around you. We all needed the walk.

The church at Chandolin which I have never been able to see on the inside, it has been locked every time I came there.
Up the trail to Cabanne Illhorn we picknicked. In most of the little "cabannes" you are not allowed to have a picknick so when we saw this bench in the snow we decided to just stop here and eat. It was very cold and we did not hang around for very long.
At some point we had two signs showing us the way, the one said 10 minutes and the other 45 min to the Cabanne. Of course we took the 10 min walk ...... bad idea! It went over a ski-piste and almost straight up. Not only that, the mist became quite dense and we could not see that far. There was someone at the ski lifts and he told us that the cabanne is only 50 or 100 meters away. It was kind of eerie with the ski lift going and nobody in sight, the dense fog and this lonely ski slopes.

We did find the Cabanne not long after. We also found the reason why nobody were skiing, they were all in the Cabanne eating! My god, what was that little restaurant packed! Not room for the proverbial mouse. We squeezed in between all the others and feeling a bit quilty about making people move just for me to have a cup of tea, I ordered goulash soup and a piece of myrtille pie, which the area is famous for.

People came and went, you didn't sit around when you have finished, because there will be someone waiting. The food looked most delicious and I was sorry I sat down in the snow and ate sandwiches, oh well, next time ......!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pralong or Mottec

Monday afternoon 25 January 2010
Miek, Dorien, Marleen and I were going for a hike which Miek suggested. We were going to go to either Pralong or Mottec.
The hike to Pralong is two hours and to Mottec about 40 min.
The first part of the trip was the same trail and we would decide when we got to the split. But, we did not know what a mountain goat Miek is and she talked us into going to Pralong, because it would be so much better to make the longer walk.

Miek pointing out the trail.

When the going got tough, she asked us to cross at least this bridge as it will be much easier once over it.

Over the bridge and round the corner and we realised it was too dangerous, Marleen did not want to go on.

Miek and Marleen crawling back to the bridge to go back.

Dorien was already on her way back, Miek on the bridge and Marleen still hanging on to the chains to get to the bridge.

When we were back in the fields and off the mountain trail we decided to make "angels" in the snow. Dorien showing Marleen she must wave her arms in the snow and not in the air!

Like this!

And down she went!


On friday afternoon, Maria, Gaston and I visited Grimentz. It is the first time Gaston visited this area and we took him to see how lovely the old village of Grimentz is.
Gaston only took a hot chocolat drink and Maria and I were bolder and took hot red wine (glûhwein)


Which "berries" are these?


Agnes was not happy going down a steep slope .....

she rather peels onions!

When most of my friends left after two weeks, I felt rather down. I was supposed to go home myself, but they asked me here at the hotel if I could stay longer for another week, because they were a person short. I didn't mind and stayed.
Agnes's room was just across the alley from me and it was a little like what I think boarding school must be. We could open our doors and talk to each other from our rooms.
The day they all left I also slipped and fell and hurt my knee. Not only did I feel down, I also had a very painful knee. I felt really rotten!
The next day all the rooms had to be cleaned and the next lot of kids arrived a day later. It actually did my knee very well to walk on it that much and by the evening most pain was over.
New friends arrived and what a week it became, they are such a jolly lot and most evenings are spent laughing with the clowns in the group.
Not only are they a jolly bunch, they are also helpful which is not the always true. When your own work is done, you help out the others who are still busy, such a unusual trait in these times.

Monday, January 25, 2010

St Luc

Intersoc hotel in St Luc

The washing ladies referring to the communal washing that was done in olden days.


Living against a very steep mountain

Where you stand above the church tower.

How deep is the valley.

Day off, 16 January, visit to Chandolin and St Luc

16 jan
On my day off I went to Chandolin and St Luc with Agnes. It is very easy to get around with the ski-busses and they are free, but you have to be careful where you are between 1 and 4pm, because they don’t run then.
In the morning it was sunny and as both of those villages lies quite high against the sunny side of the mountains, we had a bright and warm morning.
Chandolin lies at an altitude of 2130m and is the second highest village in the Alps with habitants all year round. With such an altitude they can be sure of snow for quite a long time. It is a village I have visited before and on each occasion I have seen nutcrackers, but not today. It get the feeling that winter is very mild up in the mountains so far.
We did not spent too much time in Chandolin and left to visit friends in St Luc. After so many visits to these villages it actually gets kind of boring and let’s face it, its bloody hard work walking in the mountains. This time we chose for an easy trip and took the ski-busses where ever it was possible. It’s amazing to think that people live here, these mountains are steep. Nowadays it is easy to get around, but if you think how difficult it must have been for the swiss centuries ago when they had only mountain trails. There are many new houses built in most of the villages, but they keep the style which is ok, but the valley does become crowded.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to use a garbage bag

15 January
The reason why I never have time to update my blog!


Alpine accentor / Alpenheggemus

Together with the Snowfinch I saw this little fella, looking for a scrap of bread too.

Then I got them both in one pic, but just barely.

Snowfinch / Sneeuwvink

Snowfinch on the Sorebois

15 January 2010

Finally I got them and I have a pic to prove it!
Thursday in the late afternoon I met Julien on his way to his room after skiing and he told me he saw snowfinches on the Sorebios. Apparently they were all over the sun terrace at the restaurant.
The top of the Sorebois is above the treeline and all the ski slopes are there. You have to go there by cable car and in summer you can walk up there, but it is a steep walk as it is the black piste in winter. The summer trail is more winding than the black piste.
Thursday evening we had our weekly raclette, which consits of having an aperitif and then eating molten swiss cheese. It’s so nice! Friday morning I got up early to help wash the dishes of the raclette and then those of breakfast and then I went up the Sorebois, I could not wait any longer.
When I got out of the cable car the first thing I saw was a Snowfinch, up close even!
It was searching for pieces of bread that was most probably thrown out for the birds. Snowfinch and Alpine accentors were the birds present.
It seems that they are more Snowfinches around this year or maybe I have never been here this time of the year, but I since I talked a lot about the Snowfinches, I got more reports about people seeing them when they go out walking. Mostly it is when they go up above the tree line. Before I go home I well visit the skiing slopes more often.
The Snowfinch I saw at the Sorebois must not be a healthy bird, because it was alone and it never flew far. I did approach it once too close and it flew off and then it was alright, but it is a bird you always see in swarms. I saw more than 20 fly away from the stream, Julien saw about 10 and Lillian saw 6 birds.
Anyway, the bird gave me the opportunity to photograph it up close.
Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday is for Snowfinches

My day off. Unfortunately I got carried away by listening to the weathermen, which told us that it will be the worst day of the week. No sun and rain or snow all day long. It turned out to be a nice and warm day for a walk.
Together with Jan who also had a day off we set out for a walk in the valley. Coming to Zinal for several years we both have seen almost everything the area has to offer. There are trails that’s really strenuous and difficult and you can come back and boast about doing them, but that’s not really my style!
Just my luck! We were a little way up the trail where there is a little stream. I know the stream is there, I have seen it often enough. Now I could not see it because of the snow. Jan and I were walking and talking when a group of birds flew up from this little stream ………………. Snowfinches!!!!
I have been searching for them every time I came here and have seen them only once and then I was in a cable car coming down the mountain. So today I have seen them again and it is quite a large group, 20 +. As they were spooked they flew off and into the trees and I could not see them well. Next week I will be sure to visit that little stream more often. Then I do a different job and have different hours to work.
In the afternoon I went back to the trees where I saw them flying in, but the school kids were all over the place, so there was a lot of noise and not too many birds.

My birding list for Zinal, 4 - 20 January 2010

  • Gaai / Jay – Garrulus glandarius
  • Koolmees / Great tit – Parus major
  • Pimpelmees / Blue Tit - Parus caeruleus
  • Zwarte Mees / Coal Tit – Parus ater
  • Kuifmees / Crested tit - Parus cristatus
  • Boomklever / Nuthatch - Sitta europaea
  • Boomkruiper / Short-toed Treecreeper - Certhia brachydactyla
  • Merel / Blackbird - Turdus merula
  • Sijs / Redpoll - Carduelis flammea
  • Raaf / Raven - Corvus corax
  • Waterspreeuw / Dipper - Cinclus cinclus
  • Sneeuwvink / Snow Finch - Montifringilla nivalis
  • Vink / Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs
  • Matkop / Willow tit - Parus montanus
  • Alpenheggemus / Alpine Accentor - Prunella collaris
  • Huismus / House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
  • Staartmees / Longtailed tit - Aegithalos caudatus
  • Alpenkauw / Alpine chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus
  • Groenling / Greenfinch - Carduelis chloris
  • Notenkraker / Nutcracker - Nucifraga caryocatactes
  • Turkse tortel / Collared dove - Streptopelia decaocto
  • Kramsvogel / Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris

Friday, January 8, 2010

The one with the brave heart

Then this chamois was not scared of me, he checked me out for a while and then commenced eating.

The scary chamois

First I saw this one, it was scared of me and tried to ......

hide from me!

Meeting the chamoix

7 January 2010

A watery sun was around today, so an afternoon walk was the intention. A couple told me about a trail they did which they really enjoyed doing when they had their day off. When I got there I realised it will be too far for the time I have off, before I have to start working again.
The next option was to cross the little mountain stream at the bottom of this valley and to go on a trail I’ve done before. Every time I do this trail I have not gone far, because of some or other distraction.
Once my journey was cut short through my own stupidity. On this track there is a very small playground and there must be a little stream. Last year it was very cold and the water froze which produced a wonderful sight, one of those sights you must photograph. Through the heavy snowfall illusions can be created which can be very dangerous. Going there I stepped off the track to cut out a corner and the next moment I sat up to my hips in the snow…… fortunately only up to my hips. Scrambling out of such a hole is extremely difficult, you could almost call it you have to swim out of it, there us nothing to hold on to.
Since I know the dangers the track is great to walk on, there are many trees and you see all sorts of wildlife.
Today I just passed the playground when I stopped in my tracks. Just a little bit in front of me was a chamois! I know they are not skittish at all, but was still surprised to see it this close. It looked at me and dashed up the bank a little and then the most surprising thing happened, it stood with it’s head behind a tree with it’s bum sticking out. It remained in the position for the entire time of my sighting!
Then my eye caught the chamois on the other side of the track. It was looking at me!
I froze in my steps and stood there, making a few photos! Of course, I can’t see this and have no image of it.
Not long and it got bored of watching me, so it turned and started eating. I just stayed and watched it until it went lower down and knowing what I know about stepping off the track, I did not follow.


The mountain stream at the bottom of the valley where I see the Dippers.


I don't always have internet connection, so the date on my posts won't always be synchronised with the real date.

6 January
It looked like the same sunny, warm day like yesterday, until you were outside and cooled off. Then the cold actually bites you in the ass.
Yesterday evening René (I know him from Zinal, Maloja and Zinal ) told me he saw one of those waterbirds at the bridge. Of course today I went for a look and it was there, diving into the freezing cold water, hopping from the water onto the rocks, shake themselves and then dive back into the stream under water. Fascinating to see them busy, to see them fly really just above the rocks and water to find another stone scarcly above water and then the ritual of diving, hopping and shaking starts again. I am talking of a Dipper ……. What else! 
After watching the Dipper for a very short while, I had to rush back to the hotel, feeling very miserable because of the cold. Chapeau to the people who lives where cold is not an option, but a annual reality.
Later in the evening we had our weekly treat of raclette, the swiss way of melting cheese under a grill. It has a lovely flavour, but can be rather heavy on the stomach. It is done only at 21:30, so the teachers can join in when all the kids are asleep.
I wonder if it is the mixture of raclette, cheap wine and the beer afterwards that makes me feel a bit yukky today?

Hotel and village

A pretty house used as a restaurant

The village with the church behind the hotels, Hotel Il Besso on the right.

Our hotel, Les Diablons.

Another view from my room, this time a sunny view, with the mountain top Besso in the background. It has it's name from the two pointy tops which resembles the horns of a devil.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The valley

The road through the village to the valley.

The valley