Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Agnes was not happy going down a steep slope .....

she rather peels onions!

When most of my friends left after two weeks, I felt rather down. I was supposed to go home myself, but they asked me here at the hotel if I could stay longer for another week, because they were a person short. I didn't mind and stayed.
Agnes's room was just across the alley from me and it was a little like what I think boarding school must be. We could open our doors and talk to each other from our rooms.
The day they all left I also slipped and fell and hurt my knee. Not only did I feel down, I also had a very painful knee. I felt really rotten!
The next day all the rooms had to be cleaned and the next lot of kids arrived a day later. It actually did my knee very well to walk on it that much and by the evening most pain was over.
New friends arrived and what a week it became, they are such a jolly lot and most evenings are spent laughing with the clowns in the group.
Not only are they a jolly bunch, they are also helpful which is not the always true. When your own work is done, you help out the others who are still busy, such a unusual trait in these times.

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