Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday is for Snowfinches

My day off. Unfortunately I got carried away by listening to the weathermen, which told us that it will be the worst day of the week. No sun and rain or snow all day long. It turned out to be a nice and warm day for a walk.
Together with Jan who also had a day off we set out for a walk in the valley. Coming to Zinal for several years we both have seen almost everything the area has to offer. There are trails that’s really strenuous and difficult and you can come back and boast about doing them, but that’s not really my style!
Just my luck! We were a little way up the trail where there is a little stream. I know the stream is there, I have seen it often enough. Now I could not see it because of the snow. Jan and I were walking and talking when a group of birds flew up from this little stream ………………. Snowfinches!!!!
I have been searching for them every time I came here and have seen them only once and then I was in a cable car coming down the mountain. So today I have seen them again and it is quite a large group, 20 +. As they were spooked they flew off and into the trees and I could not see them well. Next week I will be sure to visit that little stream more often. Then I do a different job and have different hours to work.
In the afternoon I went back to the trees where I saw them flying in, but the school kids were all over the place, so there was a lot of noise and not too many birds.


  1. wow, that's so exciting, Joey! Congrats with the snow finches - it sounds like you were in heaven. Love your blog, and following your trip in Switzerland --- very fun. You're motivating me to want to pick up my blog again .....

  2. Blogs have the knack of being forgotten at times. I forgot about this one till someone reminded me about it again and on this one I never checked to see if there were any comments!
