Thursday, April 2, 2009

A foggy day

The day started sunny, but by the time we were free in the afternoon a heavy cloud of fog crawled into the valley from between the mountains.
We went for a short walk to the lake and almost didn’t find the damwall because of the amount of snow. In winter you can walk over the lake to one of the villages nearby when the lake is frozen over. It’s a popular passtime to go to Isola, drink something and then walk back again. You can still do it, but it is getting more risky. Although with the swiss being the swiss, if it is too risky they won’t let you on the ice anymore.

With the fog getting heavier we shortened our walk and went to the village post. One of the ladies had a fall and sprained her ankle on her way to Maloja and she wanted to send postcards to her family at home and we offered to do it. The picture is of one of the churches in the village.

At the moment we are with a small group and by now we get to know each other better. It is more fun and with most of the work finished, the stress is off. The renovations on the hotel is working against us and constantly cause a fine layer of dust on everything. Even so, we are ahead of schedule.
Now I’m sorry I didn’t come to work here when all of it was of Intersoc, it’s such a grand place.

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