Friday, April 10, 2009

A quiet day in

Today I stay inside, it's overcast and yesterday my face got burned! The picture is of yesterday when I went to Geert's place after my walk to the damwall. I will tell more about him later. It's such a character. On the picture you can see Micheline, me and Lutgard.
I also stayed in to finish the last pages of my book, the first one of the Millenium series by Sieg Larsson. What a great writer, now I will have to read the other two books as well.
Maria must pack today, she's going home tomorrow. She's such a great person to work with, I know her from previous visits to swiss, but I have never worked with her. I'll be sorry to miss a good buddy.
I don't post my blog entries every day, but I write them every day, so sometimes I will post a few on one day.
This morning it was so funny. Skiing is not the easiest sport and some of the children do get hurt. There is a doctor and nurse to tend to their wounds. Today there were a group of them sitting together playing cards. They were listening to loud music with mostly basses and when you looked at them, they all had a thick, white layer of flamazine on their faces, except their eyes and mouths. Their faces were sunburnt too!
Today more than a 100 swifts were seen in Montpellier in Southern France and 1 in Paris!

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