Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday 12 April 2009

Today was a very hard day. It is the day the kids go home and the next group arrives.
We didn’t start early, only at 9:30 and I wanted to photograph the front of the hotel, because that side gets the morning sun. It was foggy and overcast!
I finally got a picture of the front façade coloured slightly by a watery sun. Apparently it is the second longest front façade of a building in Switzerland, the Parliament being the longest.
When the groups change it is always hard work for everybody. Everything has to be cleaned better than in the week when they are here. The kids don’t take much time to tidy their rooms and I wonder how many pieces of clothes are packed wrongly when I see the mess during the week.There are rooms with up to 9 persons, but there are rooms for 2 persons or 4 or 6. I asked a few of them how they enjoyed the week and none of them wanted to go home yet.
This morning I walked through the restaurant and the tables were laid pretty with chocolat easter eggs and bunnies. It was for the kids leaving.
Maria is going home too, she has been such a good partner to work with. Being single I never know who I work with and sometimes we work very well together and sometimes not at all. Mostly they are total strangers to me. Tonight I saw her arrive, in a bermuda in this weather ……..
We finished the rooms at about 7 pm and the kids arrived at 10 pm. They have been on the train all day. They were served spaghetti and will be off to their beds in no time.
Martina, Fien and I went to watch them arrive. Busloads full of them. Martina was sorry she didn’t have her camera with to make photo’s of the last busloads of kids arriving at Maloja Palace. It’s the end of 52 years of kids visiting Maloja. The last group arrived tonight.

Swift news:
Beijing, 1 was seen on 9th april
Amsterdam, 3 were seen on 11th april

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