Sunday, April 5, 2009

Past days

By now I have quite a red face of all the sun. It's almost always sunny and you must wear sunglasses against the glare. Seeing that much sun is wonderful! I heard it's just as good in BE.
It does make it difficult to walk in the snow, it is all mushy and you sink into it sometimes or you slip easily.
The chaffinches were singing there little hearts out this morning. Being birds with their own song in each country, they have a slightly other sound here in swiss. It’s like the people living in this area. Most of the men working on the renovations of the hotel are Italian. In the village they speak a lot of german and also this swiss dialect. In the Post Office on the other hand, the guy speaks french!
The best news about Africam is the refresh cam of EP streaming. Now all those people who left, because they couldn't watch the streaming can come back. I do miss watching the cams. Last night I saw a herd of ellies at Nkorho, but it was buffering very badly for me. My connection is not what it is back home. At the moment I can still sit in one of the rooms which will be used as a classroom for the kids. Tomorrow I will have to go and sit on the windowsill to get a connection.
So, watching cams will be for when I'm back home.
The bar has opened and I don't have much time in the evening to write my memoirs. Last night I was too tired and had a early night.
The kids and all the volunteers arrived this morning. The hotel will come alive now.

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