Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A snowy day - 16 April 2009

My teabags are finished, it’s time for me to go home. Not being a great coffee drinker and that being about the only brew you get free most places, I always pack some Rooibos teabags. That part of the afrikaner has never died in me.
I always have enough with, but this time I did stay away longer than usual.
Back to my reliable internet connection!
The snow is mushy and very hard to walk on. Now it’s waiting till it all has melted and then summer season can start.
The shops are closing down and winterseason is over.
“Winterseason” the very ideal Count de Renesse strived to achieve. Now it is not a fantasy anymore, it’s real.
On our last day it snowed heavily and everything is covered with a layer of fresh snow. The kids could not ski very well on their last day, because of the snowfall and they were back early. On their last night they had a big party, a “going nuts” party. Well, sometimes parties must be given names!

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